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Quit While You’re Ahead: The 4 Obstacles Standing Between You and Your Dream Job

by mindspring on October 2, 2018 in MindSpring News


How many times have you thought about quitting a job? Not just considering interviewing at other organizations or putting in your two weeks. But actually packing up your valuables, standing up that moment, and walking out of your office (or pulling an elaborate stunt like this girl.) We’ve all had that daydream! But the reason you didn’t walk out was likely that you didn’t have a new job lined up. Now ask yourself – if you had been prepared, would you have left?


While it’s bad practice to just kick over your desk and head for the door today, you can, and should, prepare yourself for the future by thinking about the logistics of leaving your current role. Here are the factors that may be working against you when you head back into the job hunt and a few tips to help you get back on top of your game.


Your Skills Could Use Sharpening

Studies show that an astounding 87% of employees are disengaged from their current role. When you feel distant from your work, it’s easy for your performance to slip or for you to disregard new learning opportunities. If you’re not feeling challenged by your role, then some of your best skills are likely not being used to their full potential. When it’s time to jump back into the workforce, you’ll be out of practice or your skills will be too antiquated to be relevant in the current market.


Sharpening your skills can help you to feel a sense of pride, accomplishment, and self-confidence, which will put you in a great head-space going into your job search. Take advantage of professional development opportunities that can grow your skills and look for positions that offer further career development or promotion opportunities. Consider attending local meet-ups or earn a professional certificate with an area organization. Don’t forget to target your interview and communication skills as well.


You Need to Touch Up Your Materials

When’s the last time you updated your LinkedIn profile? Letting your account become outdated may be the biggest job search faux-pas of all. LinkedIn is constantly hunting for you, allowing potential employers to stay up-to-date with your career and accomplishments. By keeping on top of your LinkedIn game, you could receive opportunities or create connections that set you up for a future role, well before you’ve decided to leave your current position. Update your profile with your current role and responsibilities. Also, make sure that your skills have endorsements from colleagues.


After you’ve managed your LinkedIn presence, touch up your resume and craft new cover letters. Make sure they include keywords in your field for hiring managers and automated tracking software. Don’t just add to your resume – remove outdated experience that doesn’t serve your current position. Additionally, if you’re applying to a variety of different positions, tailor your resume to each role. Only include experience or key responsibilities that are relevant to each individual job.


You’re Unfamiliar with the Market

If you’ve been updating your job search materials all along, you’re in a better position. That being said, the longer you’ve been out of the job hunt, the more difficult it is to actually find worthwhile roles. While popular job boards may seem enticing, oftentimes there are hundreds, or even thousands, of applicants vying for the same select roles. Networking within your local community is a great way to connect with like-minded professionals. Try developing your network by reaching out to connections from past jobs or attending networking events in your area.


Another way to differentiate yourself from the sea of candidates is to work with a recruiter. Instead of wasting time scouring the internet, recruiters have access to unique positions that aren’t shared on job search platforms. They make the hiring process personal, looking for positions that can help you to achieve your professional goals and providing you with valuable insights on the company and culture that increase your chances of a successful relationship.


Why the Moment You’re Ready to Reboot Your Career is Already Too Late

Don’t hinder your career by waiting until your job is on your last nerve to reboot your search. Once you’ve reached the point of wanting to leave your current company, you’ve already lost your competitive advantage. Keep track of your achievements or differentiators and challenge yourself by exercising the use of your different skills. By taking minor steps while still happily employed, you can stay ahead of the curve when you decide to leave your current role.


Are you ready to take the next step in your career? Contact us today for information about how we can help.