Key Tips for Staying Productive While Working from Home (Yes, you can still wear PJs)
by Mindy on the Move on April 20, 2020 in Mindy on the Move
Hey friends,
Mindy here! Long time no talk, huh? The world has gone a little crazy since the last time I updated you guys on my journey. I hope you all are staying safe and healthy – we’ll get through this! I don’t know about you, but adjusting to work-from-home life had me struggling for a while. It’s only been a few months since I stepped foot into my new job and now I’m regretting ever complaining about the 20 min commute. Communal lunchrooms have never sounded more inviting and I’d give anything to have a reason to put on some jeans again. But I digress. I’ve jotted down a few life saviors that have helped me regain some normalcy and be my most-efficient self while hunkering down at my casa. Here are four tips for staying productive while working from home:
Develop a morning routine
Not to sound like a self-help guru, but I can’t stress enough the importance of establishing a set routine when working from home. No, waking up 5 min before you start and moving from your bed to the couch does not count as a routine. Use the time that you would spend commuting to go on a morning walk, practice a little yoga, or just sip your coffee in silence – repeat this every day, make it your sacred routine. Having mindful moments in the morning will prime you to start your day as effectively as possible. Goodbye grogginess, hello mornings designed to get sh*t done.
My challenge to you: Consider simple changes that you could make to your morning to establish a routine of your own. Test a few different things until you find the combo that works best for you.
Create a zen workspace
Above I mentioned one of the biggest work-from-home no-nos – the tempting trudge from your bed to the couch to begin your workday. If you’re like me, your couch is your safe haven – meant for guilt-free Netflix binges and cat naps after work – it’s not the place where genius thrives. If you’re finding it hard to stay motivated, there’s a good chance your workspace is to blame. Don’t have a spare room to create a dedicated office space? Join the club. All I did was order a small, low-cost desk off of Amazon and set it up in an area of my home with a lot of natural light and far enough away from my best friends (my t.v. and bed) that I wouldn’t be distracted. I bought a new planner, added a few little succulents to my desk, and a few other things that bring me good vibes for ultimate focus mode.
My challenge to you: Look around your place – do you have a little nook you can repurpose as your office? Maybe a bare wall that you can set a makeshift desk up against. It doesn’t have to be fancy – but it does have to be an intentional space strictly for getting down to business.
Find moments to recharge
One of the best aspects of working from home is it’s easy to carve out a moment or two to step away from work altogether to recharge. In an office setting, this usually looked like walks around the block for an overpriced cup of coffee, but from home the world is your oyster – well, by “the world” I mean your place and the surrounding outside areas – but you get it. If you’re a runner, get out there and clear your mind by taking a quick jog – because hey, nobody cares if you come back to work all smelly. I spend my time going through a Yoga routine, and sometimes I’ll read a couple of chapters of a book. Whatever I do, I make sure it leaves me energized and ready to take the rest of the day by storm.
My challenge to you: What energizes you outside of work? Working out? Some quiet time outside? Whatever makes you feel good – carve out twenty or so minutes tomorrow (or today) to do just that.
Communicate with your team
I know I’m not alone when I say one of the toughest adjustments while sheltering in place has been a lack of human connection. I have my roommates, and they’re great, but I miss my friends, family, and the coworkers I was growing to love. To help put a little extra pep in my step every day, I make sure to connect with my coworkers over Slack – at the bare minimum. Sometimes we’ll all hop on a web conference and have our morning coffees together or even have ourselves a little virtual happy hour where we play games and share ridiculous stories. I can confidently speak for my coworkers when I say that these little efforts have made us feel a little less alone during all of this. We’re tighter than ever before.
My challenge to you: Take the initiative to schedule a virtual coffee date with your team – just thirty minutes on the calendar one morning where no work convo is allowed. You’ll feel more connected than ever!
Don’t give up
Oh, I almost forgot to mention – during all of our isolation hangouts, I became close with a coworker, Michael. Like many people today, Michael was unfortunately furloughed from my company as a result of the crisis. He’s a rock star tech guy and my company was very sad to say goodbye – tough decisions had to be made and it’s an all-around crummy situation. To help Michael out, I didn’t hesitate to connect him with the MindSpring team who introduced me to my current company. Michael and Susie Golden already had their first convo and I’m super optimistic they’ll connect him with a great opportunity.
Check back for more updates, Michael just might take you along for the ride as he finds his new position…
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