The (Free) Guide to Benefits That Chicago Pros Actually Care About in 2020

In today’s candidate-driven market, locking down top Chicago talent is no easy task. At 24% above the national cost of living, the Windy City demands competitive compensation, but in 2020, there’s more to a job offer than just a chunk of change.


With this in mind, and to help you navigate which benefits are worth investing in, we developed the first Chicago Un-Salary Guide. The manual addresses exactly what you need to know about today’s workforce, from recent college grads to Gen Xers looking towards retirement. Our seasoned recruiters collaborated to provide invaluable insights, including:


  • A breakdown of the true cost of working in Chicago
  • Portraits of 2020 job seekers
  • The 4 most attractive benefits for workers

…and more!

Ensure that you’re attracting and retaining the best talent Chicago has to offer – download your free Chicago Un-Salary Guide now!


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