Break Out the Balloons: MindSpring Partners Celebrates 10 Years of Extraordinary Partnerships!
by MindSpring Partners on October 22, 2019 in MindSpring News
October of 2019 marks the 10th anniversary for MindSpring Partners, LLC., a trusted Chicagoland staffing and consulting firm. MindSpring has spent the past decade building relationships with prominent Chicago organizations and professionals, quickly establishing an impressive reputation for themselves in the industry.
Known for their compelling blend of professionalism and authenticity, the MindSpring team has helped innovative local companies take their business to the next level, connecting them with the talent necessary to succeed in today’s competitive hiring landscape. Many of these clients have remained close partners since MindSpring incorporated in 2009, a testament to the true value that MindSpring provides. In its inaugural year alone, MindSpring Partners billed its first million, foreshadowing the success that led to a 2015 expansion into new, larger offices overlooking Daley Plaza.
Even now, as unemployment rates persist at record lows, MindSpring continues to consistently attract and deliver top Chicago performers to their esteemed clientele. The firm prides themselves on their connection to the local community, hosting fun networking events like an annual Cinco de MindSpring celebration which will be observing its 5th year this spring.
“Our substantial growth over the past 10 years has surpassed every expectation that we set from day one,” said Gavin Meacham, Managing Principal at MindSpring Partners. “It can undoubtedly be attributed to the incredible MindSpring team; their intelligence, dedication, and passion continue to drive our success.”
In just 10 short years, Gavin and the rest of the MindSpring organization have leveraged their unique expertise to navigate the volatile economic market. MindSpring was founded at the peak of the Great Recession, as nationwide unemployment hit 10.2%, with the sincere belief that the firm would be able to help clients and candidates during their inevitable recovery from the economic downturn.
“I remember when the idea of starting our own firm was just a casual brainstorm among former colleagues. Now, here we are celebrating MindSpring’s tenth anniversary. When we opened our doors, we never imagined that we’d accomplish this much in our first decade,” said Diane Klementowich, Principal at MindSpring Partners. “We’re grateful to our clients, candidates, and internal team for the success we’ve seen so far and we’re eager to see what the next 10 years have in store.”
Learn firsthand how MindSpring Partners has accomplished so many notable achievements in such a short time –contact us to start a conversation today.
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